Who am I ?

  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  °   +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +   +  +  +   +


Heart — noun. II.B.- Reference to the interiority and activity of the organ as a central factor in individual human life :

The heart as a hearth or receptacle of the deep inner life, of the moral personality of an individual.

1. In general - The secret core of a being, in its primitive unity and truth, hidden under appearances or revealing itself

in an outburst of spontaneity and sincerity ; whole of feelings and intimate ideas controlling the behavior of a character.

Dictionary - Treasure of the French Language -

Once . . .            an E.C.G

rhythm, variation, curve, cardiac, indicator, beat, rest, activity, acceleration, intensity, reserve, capital


Once . . .

Who am I ?

So, I would say... but yet... and also... nevertheless...

... mmm ...

Well, anyway !


Once upon a time of Faith...




Lightning strike of Love


O° Garden

. . .





sky| wing| fly| light| cloud| climat| tempo|motor|navigation|passion|emotion|moment|presence|character| phenomenon 


meditation|— evolution|mystic| magic|fantastic|dream|poetry|beyond|ufo|star| nebula 


— symphony| respect|purity| love|peace|— precious|sensible|bubble 


— white|round|black|cross| feather|blue|plus|turquoise  . . .

( Smartphone Browser : Click on O° to listen to the 28 tracks with info )
